Gentle Art Of Leadership Podcast – Alex Wells


Alex Wells is a father, husband, and entrepreneur. He is the founder/owner of Imprint Digital, the marketing company that produces this podcast, and one of our proud sponsors. Growing up, he faced a volatile home environment due to his parents’ tumultuous relationship and his father’s struggle with substance abuse. After his parents split, a move to a small town proved challenging, with Alex facing bullying due to his positivity and confidence. After high school, Alex got into telemarketing and quickly rose through the ranks, gaining valuable business experience. Following a career at a successful marketing software company, Alex took a bold step and started his own thriving marketing company.

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Highlights From The Episode

Time: [00:00:00]

Legal Battle Begins

Time: [00:10:37]

High School Challenges

Time: [00:17:52]

Moving to Canyon City

Time: [00:21:52]

Making Friends and Facing Resentment

Time: [00:27:36]

Transition to College and Job Challenges

Time: [00:34:32]

Starting a Business Amidst Turmoil

Time: [00:41:07]

Climbing the Corporate Ladder

Time: [00:46:18]

Facing Job Layoffs and Career Changes

Time: [00:52:59]

Legal Victory and Family Growth

Time: [00:56:24]

Overcoming Challenges with Faith

Time: [00:56:37]

Overcoming challenges with a long-term perspective

Time: [00:58:05]

Feeling grateful for life experiences

Time: [00:59:44]

Steadfastness in business amid adversity

Time: [01:01:10]

Appreciating personal growth from life's challenges

Time: [01:01:35]

Leaving a message of hope and empowerment