Gentle Art Of Leadership Podcast – Mike Michalowicz


Mike Michalowicz is a husband, father, entrepreneur and acclaimed author whose journey is both inspiring and cautionary. Mike began his career by founding a software company, followed by delving into the world of angel investing. After losing money on poor investments, and facing a challenging period marked by functional depression and alcohol abuse, he realized a pivot was necessary. It was during this time of personal turmoil that he discovered a profound passion for authorship, which became his new path forward. Mike shares valuable insights on the differences between self-publishing and hybrid publishing models, and delves into the art of public speaking, offering practical advice for those looking to improve their skills in this area.

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Highlights From The Episode

Time: [00:00:00]

Discovering a Calling as an AuthorS

Time: [00:00:34]

Introduction by Matt Schaup and Mike Michalowicz

Time: [00:01:04]

Reconnecting and Reflecting on Early Meetings

Time: [00:03:27]

Mike's Entrepreneurial Journey Begins

Time: [00:07:24]

Leaving a Job to Start a Business

Time: [00:17:24]

Hitting Rock Bottom and Family Support

Time: [00:25:07]

Realization and Commitment to Becoming an Author

Time: [00:36:14]

Writing and Publishing Tips for Aspiring Authors

Time: [00:54:42]

Importance of Performance in Public Speaking

Time: [01:06:06]

Marginalized Communities and Unique Opportunities