Do You Know Who You are and Why you Exist?

Join the Man Up Mastermind

Ultimate Immersion Experience

Take the Hike of a Lifetime on the Camino de Santiago

The Hike of a Lifetime on the Camino de Santiago is a 6 day, 75 mile adventure guided by Matt Shoup.  This adventure takes place through the beautiful and serene landscape of the Camino de Santiago in Northern Spain. Over these 6 days, participants will be challenged in a number of ways.  Participants will be challenged to unplug and disconnect from their chaotic, stressful and busy lives.  They will be challenged to reflect on and recenter on their purpose and meaningful pursuits in life. They will be challenged to refill and replenish their tanks, and ultimately return to home refreshed and refocused.  

While facing these challenges, participants will experience some of the most beautiful landscape, dine on some of the most delicious cuisine, and experience the peace and tranquility of Northern Spain. We will spend the day walking, talking, connecting and inspiring each other to dig deep into our stories and ensure we continue to live the best and most impactful version of our story.

The Hike of a Lifetime is a Combination of Two Things

Experiencing Northern Spain in a Unique Way

Hiking the Camino de Santiago allows you to experience Northern Spain in a very unique way.  As you walk the camino, you will take in some of the most beautiful scenery you will ever see.  Rolling green hills, lush and fertile terrain, small towns and villages that are hundreds to thousands of years old.  Every so often you will stop along the camino to meet the locals, drink a coffee and enjoy some of Galicia’s famous cuisine. Over six days, you will travel around 200,000 steps, each one of them with a story to share with you, and each one that will have a mark on your story.

Explore Your Story, Your Purpose and Your Vision

We all lead very busy and many times, stressful lives.  Our day to day activities can drain us of our energy, and drift us away from our focus and purpose. The Camino de Santiago creates a unique opportunity for you to unplug and disconnect with your daily responsibilities and commitments.  You will spend hours every day, one step at a time presented with an opportunity to explore your story, realign and refocus on your vision, and explore what may be missing from your life.  The Camino is a time where you can set down any weight you have been carrying, and things that are holding you back from living the best version of your life possible.  As you explore your story, your vision and your purpose while hiking the Camino, you will encounter unique opportunities and time to reflect and see the world in a different way.  You will be doing all of this alongside a dynamic group of people who are all exploring their stories together.


September 6 – Fly from the United States to Madrid, Spain

September 7 – Arrive in Madrid Spain, Transfer to Santiago de Compostela, then Sarria

September 8 – Begin the Camino. Hike from Sarria to Portomarín (12.75 miles)

September 9 – Camino Day 2. Hike from Portomarín to Palas del Rei (16.65 miles)

September 10 – Camino Day 3. Hike from Palas del Rei to Meilde (8.76 miles)

September 11 – Camino Day 4. Hike from Melide to Arzúa (8.5 miles)

September 12 – Camino Day 5. Hike from Arzua to O Pedrouzo (11.5 miles)

September 13 – Camino Day 6. Hike from O Pedrouzo to Santiago de Compostela (10.8 miles)

September 14 – Leave Santiago for our surprise experience (The Madrid area)

September 15 – Fly Home from Madrid to United States

What Others Are Saying About The Camino de Santiago

"I have walked the Camino a number of times and have taken hundreds of thousands of steps through Spain. It wasn't until I walked it with Matt, however, that I finally took one additional step that had always seemed beyond my abilities. While sitting for a break and sipping coffee with Matt along the Camino, he encouraged and challenged me to finally launch my business I had been dreaming about. This big step has opened up numerous new opportunities for me."

"The Camino gave me the time and space I needed to be with myself. Walking for hours a day in nature really gives you the chance to work through things that you didn't even know were weighing on you. The combination of nature, culture, alone time, and meeting new people really was the perfect recipe for renewal."

"The Camino de Santiago is an incredible experience that leaves a mark on the people who experience it. For that reason, I recommend everybody do it at least once in their lifetime. I have spent time with Matt on the Camino on two different occasions. It was amazing for me to see that work and investment he has put into his leadership development program and how he was able to invest in others as they hiked the Camino together. I believe that hiking the Camino with Matt is an experience that one should not pass up."

Are you Interested in Participating in the Hike of a Lifetime?

If so, fill out the form below