Adam Lunn, a former Boulder police officer, shares his profound and life-altering journey in this powerful episode. While on duty, Adam responded to a call involving a severely intoxicated individual. Following standard procedure, he and his team transported the individual in a vehicle ill-suited for the situation. Tragically, upon arrival at the station, the individual had passed away. What followed was a harrowing experience that changed Adam’s life forever. Placed on leave and later charged with manslaughter, Adam fought hard during his trial but was ultimately found guilty. Accepting the consequences of his actions, he served his sentence with courage and resolve. During this challenging chapter, Adam devoted his life to God, finding solace and purpose through faith. This episode is a sobering exploration of the cost of inaction—how the things we fail to do in pivotal moments can have far-reaching consequences. Adam’s story is one of accountability, redemption, and transformation, offering valuable lessons about the weight of our decisions and the path to rebuilding a life after tragedy.