In the debut episode of the “Gentle Art of Leadership Podcast” hosted by Matt Shoup, guest Rick Scadden’s remarkable journey is spotlighted. Despite currently serving as a full-time pastor at Citipointe Church in Loveland, Colorado, Rick’s origins are rooted in a troubled past as a four-time felon. Raised in destitution amid an environment marred by substance abuse, violence, maltreatment, and criminality, Rick’s early life experiences mirrored those around him.
Rick openly shares the unvarnished narrative of his choices that led him down the same path as those he grew up with. This course led him to a life on the streets, ensnared by addiction, and ultimately a pivotal decision that would reshape not only his own life but the lives of others on a profound scale. This momentous choice resulted in his incarceration, marked by several felony charges.
The turning point came during his time behind bars, as Rick found solace and purpose through his newfound faith in God. Embarking on a journey of redemption, he resolved to transform his life and the trajectory of his actions. Rick’s powerful story exemplifies the potential for personal growth and positive change, even in the face of adversity and a troubled past.
Matt Shoup’s podcast aims to shed light on the profound and gentle aspects of leadership through impactful narratives like Rick’s, emphasizing the potential for transformation, growth, and positive influence in the lives of individuals and the community at large.